As part of our continued commemoration of the #WorldEnvironmentDay, KTDA Foundation and the University of Kabianga – Kenya hosted a symposium and exhibition on Youth and Green Entrepreneurship in the Lake Region Economic Block on the 15th of June 2022.
The main aim of the seminar was to foster an exchange among stakeholders (policy makers, development partners, the private sector, youth and women organizations, civil society organizations, research and academia) on knowledge and best practices regarding youth employment in green entrepreneurship (from strengthening existing initiatives and developing new ones), the business enabling environment, the development of business and job opportunities, and to the role of young people in sustainable green business. The discussions focused on the most effective ways to support and empower youth, enabling them to contribute to and benefit from sustainable green entrepreneurship.
The symposium saw two panel discussions on ‘Youths role in Transitioning to Clean Cooking’ and ‘Incubation Opportunities in green entrepreneurship for students or Early- Stage Entrepreneurs’. There were three break out rooms where the participants got to answer three questions on the future of youth in green entrepreneurship. A host of youth-led exhibitors also got to showcase their products, services and innovations.
The symposium drew 254 participants from tea growing counties within the the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB).These included learning institutions ; University of Kabianga (Kericho), Kisii University (Kisii),Bureti Technical Training Institute (Kericho) and youth groups from KTDA managed factory catchments; Nyamache Tea Factory (Kisii), Kobel T/F (Bomet), Litein T/F ,Momul T/F amongst others.
The symposium was supported by the Green Climate Fund, Rainforest Alliance, Kenya Climate Innovation Center, GIZ and the German International Cooperation. Implementation was done by Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC), University of Kabianga (UOK) and KTDA Foundation.
#OnlyOneEarth #IAmAGreenChampion #greenchampions #futureofyouthingreenentreprenurship.