KCB 2020 Sustainability Report: Accelerating the Future Together

This report represents our holistic approach to measuring our Economic, Social and Environmental impacts in all our countries of operation in the region, in line with the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) of which KCB is a founding member in the region, our 10-point action plan, value creation process, strategic alignment, and environmental and social governance priorities. The report also highlights our commitment to sustainability, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework.

Additionally, we employ the disclosures of the GRI Reporting framework to capture our impact. As such, this report is developed in accordance with GRI-Core option. We fully support, and are continuously, integrating into our business the Principles for Responsible Banking which inform our plans to build a sustainable banking business. Target setting is an important lever. Banks are required to set and publish targets in line with broader policy goals, as expressed in the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and related national frameworks, in areas where they have the most significant impact.

We expect to reap a plethora of benefits from these commitments. Particularly setting the standard for KCB Group to be at par with the global banking sector in terms of sustainability, including peer to peer learning with international partners, standardised reporting parameters, while actively addressing SDGs and climate change issues, locally.

Our commitment to implement these international best practices as part of our contribution towards the Decade of Action Agenda.


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