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Youth empowerment, entrepreneurship and Job creation thematic workshop

April, 2022 All day

This Forum will revolve around creating an enabling environment for growth, job creation, education and skills development. In the next five years, roughly six million Kenyans will be un- and underemployed; this population is expected to mostly comprise youth. The current prospects are grim: underemployed young Kenyans earn an average of US$0.2 per day, compared to the rest of the workforce earning an average of US$59 per month. However, there are promising The objective of this Forum is to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by young men and women when accessing work, skills development, or starting their own businesses. This Forum will drive conversations focussed on innovations and best practices emerging from both the public and private sector and seek to carve a compelling pathway for philanthropic efforts to catalyze scaled impact in youth employment.

Exact dates and locations to be communicated to members.


April, 2022


Impact Philanthropy Africa
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